Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Standing In The Chapel

god dam do i love her
enjoy being together
when im with you, nothing fucking matters

my heart has been taken away by the love of my life
my one and only girl, the one ill make my wife

the one tht stood by me through ups and downs, thick and thins
you know ill drop my guards just to let you win
if i ever tore your heart, that'll be my biggest sin

my vows are to keep you smiling and happy
plus to never leave you frowning or make your day crappy
never act shady or try to set up fights
all i wanna be is your one and only knight

rescue you from the pain you put up for
take you from the dumb blind niggas that tore your heart before
but fuck them idiots, come step into my door

now that youre in, ima keep it locked
you got my world spinning, my world you can only rock

forever you and i will grow old with white hair
then we'll die and i definitely wont be scared
ill be laying in my death bed reminiscing all the times that we shared

and believe me when i say nobody could take your place
with all the love that we shared, it would never be erase

I hope one day I'll wake up and you'll be there
You never leave me lonely cause i know you deeply care
just wait baby girl when you'd be in that white dress
standing in the chapel, my love to you I'll confess.
Then we'll live happily, move in, and make a mess :D

Sunday, June 27, 2010


On June 27, 2010...

I promise to always love STEPHANIE PHAN. Treat her with respect and to give her all the loving i have to give. Promise to never leave and to stay by her side through thick and thins no matter what happens. Promise is a promise. I, KEVIN LANG, will be a man of his words. If my vows are violated, I will die in the worse way possible.


I STEPHANIE PHAN promises to always love KEVIN LANG, my one true love in life. I will trust you, respect you, laugh with you, cry with you, and cherish this moment with you until the day I die & ONLY YOU. Promise to never let go and stay by his side through the rough times there might be to face. This vow will never be broken as long as I live, & thats a promise.


'Til My Death

babe know this, ima love you til i die
never ever wanna see you cry
never ever will i lie

before i met you, ive never fallen in love
but it just so happens cupid from above;
show me with an arrow with a heart warming name
best know this that our love aint a game
when i hold your hands, i never feel ashamed

i know who im holding is the greatest of all
you were there to pick me up every time that i fall
if youre ever feeling lonely, you know who to call

i wanna be near you each and everyday
whnever you have to leave, i wish you could have stay
keep your arms in the night as we lay

just know til my very last breath
i promise to love you until my fckn death

I Miss You

After 3 days without talking to each other because I went to Yosemite National Park. There is obviously no service there with my provider...


oh dam i got this nasty feeling

make me feel like spitting
i'm sick to my tummy
i need my baby hunny
i miss her so much, i cant even sleep
really realize this relationship is getting really deep
i lay awake at night before i sleep, by two
only thing on my mind is how much im loving you
wishing you were here so i could hold you tight
passed out in my arm all through the night
i really really love you and thats for sure. for life
if marriage was at any age, id definitely make you my wife

Thursday, June 24, 2010

No One Compared To You

... [ lost the beginning; stupid phone): ] ...

no one compared to my wife
you know ill never let go, forever you'll be in my life
nobody better touch you or ima cut his finger off with a knife
only i, your man, can caress your body
ill never trade you, not for anybody
cause a love like this is worth fighting for
when im around you, i fall for you even more
just promise to never shut the door
forever your name will be tatted on my core

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Seeing You Smile

i love seeing you smile
it makes me feel good
didnt i tell you
to make you smile, id do whatever i could
give you all my love
like i said i would

never wanna see you frown
pick you up when youre down
ill always save you before you drown
make you laugh dramatically like a clown

believe me babe cause ill never love another
i would die if we werent together
so believe me when i say
" baby i love you forever " =D

Monday, June 21, 2010

Even If There's Range

i love you babe, thats how ima start
cupid shot me with and arrow
bullseye, like a dart
first girl i can say, really melt my heart

never ever has anybody love me like you do
very satisfied cause the love u show is true
my heart fckn drops when i make you blue

so i do what i can to flip your frown
make you my queen,
personally hand you a crown
because you stood by me whenever i was down

a girl like you deserves all the loving you can get
whether its emotional or physically;
get you wet.

when im around you,
my heart takes off like a jet
when im next to you,
i seem to lose my breath
and you know its true,
ima love you to death.

nothing will get in between,
nothing will ever change
ill be reaching out for you,
even if theres range

when it comes to writing,
25 percent from the brain
rest of the 75 hopefully...
is not to be the cause of your pain

if you ever left me,
my world will start to rain
it'll never stop
my heart will fckn drop
eventually ill go back
to smoking that green crop

but i hope to never ever see that painful day
that im proud to say.
plus i aint going nowhere,
forever here to stay.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

One Day You'll See

my queen
you're the best ive ever seen
so sweet, never mean
too good to be treated like junk
i can tell youre real and other bitches are bunk
so never leave me cause you my future wifey
my heart was locked, now you got the key
dont let go
soon you'll see the day i say...

"baby, marry me? :D "

Thursday, June 17, 2010

A Colorful World

im so in love with this lady thats mine
if i didnt have your love baby, i wouldnt be fine
not in this just to waste your time
not in this to make your heart sour like lime

buht to give you all the love that i got
hand you the gun so you can call the shot
dam baby girl, do i love you alot
more thn everything
fo you, id do anything
then comes the day you get a diamond ring

to me this love is beyond wonderful
unlike a drawing thats dull;
the world we share is colorful
baby you know, girl you beautiful

baby youre the best; number one on my list
anyone that hurts you will talk to my fist
probably get your name tatted on my wrist

thats how much i love you sweet lady
maybe in the future;
have us a family and two baby.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


would it sound cheesy if i said i was in love
that cupid shot me with an arrow from above

i wouldnt say at first
but fuck, now im whipped
lov how it feels when we touch each other's lips

only person in this world to me is vip
well a v.i.p; very important princess
shes the only girl that wouldnt make my heart a mess
in this would, she's the best

i can proudly say im in love with stephanie phan
since youre mine forever, ill be your man
and you know me;
to make you smile, ill do whatever i can

so know for this girl, id do anything
eventually see the day she receives my ring
then like a fairytale ending;

we'll live happily ever after
together and forever.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


What if drawing is your profession
give it time then you'll tell me ur confession
well thats what i hope will happen
Then everyone will be clappinn'
listening to my flow snappin'

like with my talent
i dont stay silent
i let it show
and you should too
dont stay low

at the least we got dreams we wanna pursue
and its true
cause the both of us together
we'll make it thru whatever
just to gain big cheddar

live life like a king
you my queen
but to see that,
we gotta pursue our dream
soon we'll step on stage and our audience will scream
and the spotlight will beam
shining bright
but it wont happen over night
so lets stay tight

to see a brighter future
we're struggling creatures
but hey its just life
gotta carry a knife
but one day we'll see peace
and you'll be my wife

Monday, June 7, 2010


If death came knocking,
would you step in between and do the blocking?

If I got locked up and was sentence to 25 years to life,
would you still be around and stay as my wife?

If I was at my worse and all i did was cry,
would you do whatever you can to make me smile or not even try?

If I told you my time is almost up and I'm about to die,
would you spend every second with me or would it be a lie?

You're probably wondering why is he asking me.
It's the fact I love you to death, you must see
Everyday to make you smile, I always try
Whether you think its the truth or a lie
For you I'll ride and die

I guess its the fact i'm really committing
from the heart; no acting

cause i could, but i aint an actor
forever til i die, ill be your night in shining armor

this feeling i never had before
each day we're next to each other, i love you even more
i regret doing it, so never will i close the door

i'll leave it unlocked
but you already have the key to my heart
and know this is for a fact;
nothing will tear us apart

just know til my time comes,
ill always love you
even when i act like a fool
forever and ever ill be stuck to you like glue
best believe its true

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Forever I Can Be Your Man

When it comes to you i turn to a child
dont leave me right now,
chill for a while

matter of a fact, chill forever
loving anyone else i would neveer
its my commitment now that we're together

loving one, loving you only
since i met you, i've never felt lonely
cause you're awesome with a smile so lovely

plus i cant picture myself with anyone else but you
and thats honestly true
cause you make my day bright when it's dull blue

there may be millions of others out there
but i dont want them, i want you here
the thought of losing you one day is my biggest fear
one things for sure, i would never let you drown in tears

plus what kind of a man would i be,
if i can't stand by my words
and this is something new;
never fell in love with a nerd
thats what makes this relationship fun
and this is my promise;
ill only have room in my heart to love only one

to only love STEPHANIE PHAN
just don't let go so forever i can be your man.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Unlocked My Door

baby no more tears
love it when youre near
ill be your soldier and fight away your fears

im gonna love you and always treat you right
u know ill drop my guards when it comes to a fight

dont you ever fckn think that i dont love you
and if thats the case, go find a new
but i think im giving you all the love i can give plus more
youre like the keys that fits and unlocks my door
each and every word comes from the core

i just want you to know youre the best thing that happened
best i ever fckn had
cause this is no game
its real so im glad
u know my heart sinks whenever i see you sad

so a smile on your face is such a sight to see
and a smile ill always see because youre with me

Hidden Pearl

Completely thoughtless
lowkey lost
wuts up boss ?

like moss,
our love grows more and more everyday
please dont leave baby, stay
i love stephanie forever, ima say

sometimes i get scared with a real big fear
what if one day i wake up and youre not here
you would honestly make me drown in my own tears
but even if youre not around, i feel your love is near

you heart is the only heart i could read clearly
seeing your smile makes my shitty day turn happily
no bullshit, seriously

honestly, i was once a druggie
not caring if the drugs would turn me fugly
now i trip out if i am or my outfits too ugly

its like my life has changed with the love of one girl
and when we kick it,
my head starts spinning till you see me swirl

from a pearl hidden inside a clam
to the true man i became and a real man i am
its a trip cause we're going on to half a year
shall we celebrate, come on drink a beer

one thing thats for sure
i love you and a lie its never
forever and ever
you and i will be together

from the beginning when we were friends,
dont care wht u say cause i think youre a ten
plus now all i can think about is being with you
till this world ends.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


You were wondering why i was lost
maybe when it comes down to it,
you're the boss
letting you go would be the biggest loss

beautiful like the brightest california sunshine
life feels better now that youre mine
would you swig it with me if i got a bottle of wine?

never felt like this
lost in the world we share
youre the only girl i could actually say: really cares
is there
when im at the worse
your love isnt a curse

feels like a blessing
more like a miracle
there words i spit for you are honestly magical

I love writing you these lil pieces of art
each and every one of them comes from the heart
before all this happened, when it didnt start;
i swear like i had this bond with you before
maybe our past life?
i dont even know, just happy with my wife

well now you know im pretty lost
cause my words are all over the place
heart's in a race
thank you, i love you
& i rest my case.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Sex Spitter

got me a princess
a fairytale queen
most magnificent girl ive ever seen
everytime shes around
she makes me get green
if u know what i mean
she turns me on like a light switch
shes the boss
men that fail to keep her is their loss
another man's trash is another man's treasure
double up, give me a seizure
make my fantasy wild
love your style
hot, spicy, whoa better than mild
go crazy when youre doing your part
then it'll be my turn to race your heart
make you hot, wet, sweaty
lets get it on, we're both ready
buck til we climax
no acts
pure love making
love emotion exchanging
thats what im thinking, l-o-l
thats for now.
award for sex spitter kevin lang,
take a bow
i know, i dont believe i wrote this
pardon my manner,
would you excuse me miss?