Sunday, June 27, 2010


On June 27, 2010...

I promise to always love STEPHANIE PHAN. Treat her with respect and to give her all the loving i have to give. Promise to never leave and to stay by her side through thick and thins no matter what happens. Promise is a promise. I, KEVIN LANG, will be a man of his words. If my vows are violated, I will die in the worse way possible.


I STEPHANIE PHAN promises to always love KEVIN LANG, my one true love in life. I will trust you, respect you, laugh with you, cry with you, and cherish this moment with you until the day I die & ONLY YOU. Promise to never let go and stay by his side through the rough times there might be to face. This vow will never be broken as long as I live, & thats a promise.


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